Caring for Your Curly Spider Plant Indoors

Curly Spider Plan

If you’re a houseplant lover, chances are you’ve heard of the curly spider plant. This popular houseplant, also known as Chlorophytum comosum ‘Vittatum,’ features curly leaves that cascade down from the center of the plant and can add a touch of elegance to any space. While spider plants are known for their easy-care nature, the curly spider plant requires a little extra attention to thrive indoors.

In this section, we’ll cover some essential care tips for keeping your curly spider plant healthy and vibrant.

Key Takeaways:

  • Proper location is essential for your curly spider plant’s health. Make sure to place it in an area with bright but indirect light and moderate temperature.
  • Water your plant thoroughly but allow the soil to dry partially between watering sessions.
  • Curly spider plants can be propagated through division or rooting the plantlets.
  • There are different varieties of curly spider plants with unique features.
  • Having a curly spider plant not only adds a touch of elegance to your space but also purifies the air and offers other benefits.

Understanding the Curly Spider Plant

Are you looking for an effortless way to add more greenery to your indoor space? Look no further than the curly spider plant! Also known as Chlorophytum comosum ‘Vittatum,’ this popular houseplant features curly leaves that cascade down from the center of the plant, adding a unique touch to any room.

But the curly spider plant is more than just a pretty face. Spider plants are known for their ability to purify the air, making them an excellent addition to any home or office. The plant is also remarkably easy to care for, perfect for those who are new to plant parenthood.

Spider plants are part of the Asparagaceae family and are native to tropical and southern Africa. In the wild, the plant thrives in bright, indirect light and moist soil conditions.

But don’t worry if you don’t have a green thumb – the curly spider plant is one of the most low-maintenance houseplants out there. With just a few simple care tips, you can have a healthy and happy curly spider plant.

Choosing the Right Location for Your Curly Spider Plant

Choosing the Right Location for Your Curly Spider Plant

Curly spider plants are indoor plants that prefer moderate to bright, indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, while too little light can cause the plant’s growth to slow down. When choosing a location for your curly spider plant, consider the lighting conditions in your home.

In addition to lighting, consider temperature and humidity levels. Curly spider plants thrive in moderate temperatures between 60 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit and prefer higher humidity levels. Dry air can cause the leaf tips to turn brown or yellow, so keep your plant away from drafts or heaters.

Avoid placing your curly spider plant in a location where it may become too cold or too hot, such as near a window or air conditioning unit. Instead, choose a spot that provides consistent, moderate temperatures and humidity levels.

Watering and Humidity Needs of Your Curly Spider Plant

Proper watering is vital to keep your curly spider plant healthy and thriving. Water your plant once a week in the growing season and once every two to three weeks during winter. The soil should be moist but not waterlogged, so make sure to let the soil dry out slightly before watering it again.

When watering your curly spider plant, it’s best to use distilled or filtered water as the chemicals in tap water can harm the plant. Additionally, it’s essential to water your plant at the base rather than over the leaves, as it can cause damage and encourage fungal growth.

Humidity is also crucial for the curly spider plant’s well-being, as they thrive in a humid environment similar to their native tropical regions. Dry air can cause browning of leaf tips and edges.

There are several ways to increase humidity around your curly spider plant. One option is to mist your plant regularly with a spray bottle. Alternatively, you can place a tray filled with water and pebbles beneath your plant’s pot to create a humid microclimate around the plant.

Curly Spider Plant Watering and Humidity Tips:

  • Water once a week in the growing season and once every two to three weeks during winter.
  • Water at the base rather than over the leaves to prevent damage and fungal growth.
  • Use distilled or filtered water to avoid harmful chemicals in tap water.
  • Mist regularly or place a tray with water and pebbles under the pot to increase humidity levels.
  • Monitor the soil moisture level and do not let it dry out completely.

Propagating Your Curly Spider Plant

Propagating your curly spider plant is an excellent way to create new plants that you can enjoy or give to your friends. Here are the steps you need to follow to propagate your curly spider plant:

  1. Start by finding a mature, healthy curly spider plant that you can use for propagation. Look for a plant that has many baby spider plants or plantlets growing from its soil.
  2. Gently remove the small spider plants from the soil and separate them from the mother plant. Be careful not to damage the roots.
  3. Prepare a pot with well-draining soil. Take the plantlet and plant it in the soil, covering its roots with more soil.
  4. Water the plantlet well and place the pot in a warm and well-lit spot, away from direct sunlight.
  5. Check the soil regularly and keep it moist, but not waterlogged. Overwatering can cause the plantlet to rot.
  6. Within a few weeks, the plantlet will start producing new leaves, and you’ll have a new curly spider plant to enjoy!

Propagating your curly spider plant is a simple process that can have you an entirely new plant relatively quickly. It also allows you to expand your plant family or share your love of curly spider plants with your friends and family.

Curly Spider Plant Varieties

Curly Spider Plant Varieties

Did you know that there are different varieties of the curly spider plant? In this section, we’ll take a look at some popular curly spider plant varieties, all with unique characteristics that make them stand out.


The Vittatum curly spider plant is the most common variety, known for its curly leaves that grow up to 60cm in length. Its green and white striped leaves are easy to spot and look great in hanging baskets, making it a popular choice for indoor decor.


The Bonnie spider plant features wider leaves than the Vittatum variety, with a slight curl at the end. What sets it apart is its unique leaves with a white outline, adding a touch of elegance to the plant’s overall appearance.


The Ocean spider plant is similar to the Vittatum variety, with the exception of its deep green leaves with blue hues that resemble the ocean’s depths.


The Hawaiian spider plant has thick, curly leaves with white stripes that are wider than those in the Vittatum variety. Its wide leaves make it an excellent air-purifying plant, absorbing more toxins from the air than other varieties.

Spider Plant Babies

All of these curly spider plant varieties have one thing in common – they produce spider plant babies! These plantlets are miniature versions of the parent plant and can be propagated to grow into mature plants. To propagate the spider plant babies, place them in a small container filled with water or soil and wait for their roots to grow before transferring them to a larger pot.

Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Curly Spider Plant

Your curly spider plant requires regular care and attention to stay healthy and vibrant. Here are some helpful tips to keep your plant thriving:


Regular pruning is essential for the health of your curly spider plant. Trimming away dead leaves and plantlets can promote new growth and prevent disease. Use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to remove any damaged or unsightly foliage. When pruning, make sure to cut close to the base of the stem.


Fertilizing your curly spider plant can help it grow strong and lush. Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer once a month during the growing season (spring and summer). Follow the package instructions carefully to avoid over-fertilization, which can harm your plant.

Brown Tips on Leaves

If the tips of your plant’s leaves are turning brown, it could be a sign of overwatering or underwatering. Check the soil moisture level and adjust your watering schedule accordingly. Spider plants also benefit from regular misting, which can help increase humidity levels and prevent dryness.

By following these simple tips, you can ensure the continued health and beauty of your curly spider plant.

Benefits of Having a Curly Spider Plant

Benefits of Having a Curly Spider Plant

If you’re looking to add some greenery to your home, the curly spider plant is an excellent choice. Not only is it visually appealing, but it also offers several benefits that make it popular for indoor gardening.

Air-Purifying Qualities

One of the top benefits of having a curly spider plant in your home is its air-purifying qualities. According to a NASA study, spider plants were found to be effective at removing harmful toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene from the air. This makes the curly spider plant an excellent choice for improving indoor air quality.


Another advantage of the curly spider plant is its low-maintenance nature. They are easy to care for, making them an excellent choice for beginners, busy individuals, or those who want to add some greenery to their home without much effort.


Curly spider plants are also an affordable option for indoor gardening. They can be easily propagated, and mature plants produce spider plant babies, which can be rooted and grown into additional plants. This means you can quickly expand your collection of curly spider plants without breaking the bank.

Non-Toxic for Pets

For pet owners, the non-toxic nature of spider plants is an appealing feature. Unlike some other plants, spider plants are considered non-toxic to cats and other pets, making them a safe choice for pet-friendly homes.

Overall, the curly spider plant is an excellent choice for indoor gardening, offering not only aesthetic appeal but also air-purifying qualities, low-maintenance care, affordability, and pet-friendly nature.

Bottom line

With its unique curly leaves and air-purifying qualities, the curly spider plant is an excellent choice for indoor greenery. By following the care tips provided in this article, you can ensure your curly spider plant stays healthy and vibrant for years to come.

If you’re looking to add a curly spider plant to your collection, check out local nurseries or reputable online sellers. You may find a variety of curly spider plants for sale, at so choose one that suits your style and space.

It’s essential to be mindful of your pets if you’re a pet owner. Fortunately, spider plants are non-toxic to cats, making them a safe choice for any household.

Remember to keep your curly spider plant in a suitable location with the right lighting and humidity levels. Regular watering, pruning, and fertilizing can also help maintain its health.

Enjoy the beauty and benefits of your curly spider plant, and let it brighten up your indoor space!


How often should I water my curly spider plant?

Water your curly spider plant when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot. It’s better to underwater than overwater this plant.

How do I propagate a curly spider plant?

To propagate your curly spider plant, you can either divide the plant at the root or use the plantlets that develop on the long stems. Both methods can be successful. Make sure to provide proper care for the newly propagated plants to ensure their growth.

What are some popular curly spider plant varieties?

Some popular curly spider plant varieties include the ‘Bonnie,’ ‘Hawaiian,’ and ‘Variegatum’ varieties. Each variety has its own unique leaf pattern and growth habit, adding diversity to your indoor plant collection.

How do I care for spider plant babies?

Spider plant babies can be left attached to the mother plant or propagated as separate plants. If left attached, they will continue to grow. If propagated, they can be potted individually and cared for like mature spider plants.

Why are the tips of my spider plant turning brown?

Brown tips on spider plant leaves can be caused by various factors, including overexposure to direct sunlight, dry air, improper watering, or buildup of mineral salts in the soil. Adjusting the plant’s environment and watering routine can help prevent and treat brown tips.

What are the benefits of having a curly spider plant in my home?

Curly spider plants are known for their air-purifying qualities. They can help remove toxins from the air, improving indoor air quality. These plants are also low-maintenance and can add a touch of lush greenery to any room.

Are spider plants toxic to cats?

No, spider plants are considered non-toxic to cats. However, it’s always a good idea to monitor your pets around plants and consult with a veterinarian if you have any concerns.

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